
Our general gymnastics classes are suitable for all ages and abilities! We use asymmetric bars, trampettes, vaults, floor beams, air tracks and other air equipment. Every term gymnasts have the opportunity to achieve proficiency awards and badges. Due to the implementation of new health and safety procedures resulting from Covid–19 all classes will now only run for 50 minutes. However, due to smaller classes and groups we will be able to fit in as much gymnastics as before!

Photo 1

4.5 - 6 years old
Thursday 4.30 – 5.20pm
Friday 4.00 – 4.50pm
Saturday 8.45 – 9.35am

11 years +
Thursday 7.30 – 8.20pm

Photo 2

7 – 8 years old
Thursday 5.30 – 6.20pm
Friday 5.00 – 5.50pm
Saturday 9.45 – 10.35am

Photo 3

9 – 11 years old
Thursday 6.30 – 7.20pm
Friday 6.00 – 6.50pm

Floor & Vault Competition Class
Saturday 10.45am – 12.45pm
By invitation only, different fees apply.


Classes cost £7.50 each and fees are payable in advance for the term usually 10 - 12 weeks. There are no refunds for missed classes unless cancelled by the club. In addition a charge of £7 per term is added to cover club & gymnastics governing body membershipand insurance. Some clubs require gymnasts to arrange additional individual membership with British Gymnastics but we do not require this. At the end of each term we award badges and certifcates to every gymnast. The cost is £4 and is included in your fees.    

Class Places

In the first instance complete the online registration form. We will then contact you and advise if there are any places, if not we will add you to the waiting list and endeavour to find a place as soon as possible. We only offer trial classes if there is not a waiting list as we have a strict prepayment policy and do not hold places until payment has been received.